General Dental Checkup

Comprehensive Dental Checkups

At SIA Dental we believe in providing thorough, comprehensive dentistry to achieve the best possible treatment outcome. By taking a comprehensive approach, present and future dental problems can be prevented to reduce your chances of needing invasive procedures and large out of pocket expenses. Our dentists recommend annual dental checkups, or bi-annual checkups for patients with higher risk of dental problems.

The Dental Examination

Our dentists will first listen to your purpose for your visit. This is your opportunity to let us know your concerns and expectations of dental treatment, and what you would like to achieve. It may be helpful if you have copies of previous dental X-rays (if any). This will allow us to tailor the appointment to suit your needs.

We will then go through any medical conditions, medications and allergies, which may be relevant when providing you with dental treatment. We take a holistic approach when treating our patients. If you have any uncertainties, please consult your General Medical Practitioner prior to your visit.

During the examination, we

  • Examine the health of your teeth, gums and bone
  • Assess your cheeks, tongue and palate for oral cancer or abnormal lesions
  • Obtain digital X-ray pictures to examine your teeth and jaw bones in detail
  • Obtain digital photographs to provide you with a 3-D tour of your mouth

Why does my dentist need to take an X-Ray?

Taking an X-ray of your teeth allows the dentist to assess the overall health of your teeth in detail. It allows the dentist to accurately diagnose common dental problems such as dental decay and gum disease. At SIA Dental, we utilise the most advanced digital scanners to obtain these images.

Our dentists recommends the following X-rays for a comprehensive check:

  • Small X-ray (Also known as Bitewing): Your dentist will get you to bite on a piece of plastic to obtain this X-ray picture. This will show us any dental decay, fillings, gum disease and bone.
  •  Full mouth X-ray (Also known as OPG): Your dentist may obtain a large scan of all your teeth to assess your overall health of your teeth and jaws. We have an in-house Radiology Lab and this X-ray is covered for eligible Medicare card holders.

We utilise clinical photography to highlight areas of concern around your mouth.

What happens during your dental visit?

If you haven’t visited us before, our friendly reception staff will direct you to our waiting area and provide you with a ‘New Patient Form’ to fill out your details. It will be handy to have a complete medical summary and private health insurance information (if any). You will then be introduced to our team to discuss your dental concerns.

How often do I need X-ray pictures taken?
Our dentists recommend a set of X-ray pictures taken for all new patients. For patients at high risk of developing dental decay or gum disease, we recommend new X-rays at more regular intervals of every 6-12 months. For patients at lower risk, we recommend new X-rays at intervals between 12-24 months.
I am pregnant. Is getting X-ray pictures taken safe?
According to the NHMRC Guidelines, dental X-rays can be safely taken provided appropriate precautions are taken to limit exposure such as using the lead apron. We normally defer the need for X-ray pictures, however, if they are required to diagnose an urgent dental problem, don’t worry as the dose of radiation and risk to the foetus is low.
What happens after my dental checkup?
Our dentists will formulate a personalised treatment plan, which will include all options, treatment risks, costs and timeframe. Depending on your needs, we may organise another appointment to discuss your final treatment plan, as we may need to gather more information. You will also have the opportunity to ask any questions in relation to your oral health.

The team at SIA Dental look forward to working with you to achieve your ideal smile and dental health.

Book ONLINE instantly or contact one of our friendly team who will serve you by answering any questions you may have. Our state-of-the-art dental suites are located within the SIA Medical Centre in Essendon, just 20 minutes from the city, and easily accessible by public transport, with parking available on site.
